AP-PoM-Pyro Macro - Quality wow vanilla realm (1.12) Dreez wrote:where 2 is the action bar slot Arcane power is on 3 is the action bar slot Presence of Mind is on and 13 is the upper trinket slot (14 would be the lower) you will definitely have to press it multiple times, there's no macro with multiple spell actions that only needs one key press Wow Item Slot Macro Numbers - LogosDirect - UI & Macros indiana casino resorts - Wowhead Forums WoW item slot for macro | World of Warcraft GamePlay Guides How to use an item wow item slot macro numbers with a macro Wow Macro | Macro for Wow Inventory Slot Numbers - WoWInterface Need help with macro. 2 wow I'm trying to make a make that includes my 2nd slot trinket, does anybody know ... putting trinkets into macros. | Prophecy putting trinkets into macros. Page 1. Search #12338840 Apr 30 , 2016 ... i found the command if anyone was wondering what it was. Upper trinket slot: /script ... Equipment Slot Macro - Young American Furniture
Trinket macro won't work? : wow - reddit.com
Wow Makro Trinket Slot 1 - stylinliving.com Any to Any Edit211.41.153.164use trinket macro vanilla wow makro trinket slot 1. DCUO - wow makro trinket slot 1 Understanding GU47: Mainframe and Utility Belt Costs ..Comment écouter Club Poker Radio ?But how do I move an item from inventory to an empty bag slot? .. Macro to use Trinket Slot 1? - Off Topic - Arena Junkies I'm looking to make a macro that will use which ever trinket I have equipped in the first slot (or second - it doesn't matter which) so that I can have each bound to the same hotkey when I switch between them.
Item Slot Macro Wow, Item slot-numbers Thread Tools Show Printable Version Email this Page… 2009-12-29, 07:29 PM #1 Elessa View Profile View Forum lauberge casino promo codes Posts Private Message View Started Threads Dreadlord Join Date Aug 2009 Location Sweden Posts 908 Item slot-numbers I've seen a few macros that uses a item slot macro wow number instead of writing in the full name of ...
Macro for Trinkets : wow - reddit Macro for Trinkets ... was curious if there was a macro I could use to swap trinkets out real quick. I'm a bear tank and for anything lower than m+10 I use AoE DPS trinkets. I was curious if there was a macro to quick swap my AoE trinkets and ST trinkets for bosses? 8 comments ... I was incorrect on the trinket slot numbers. permalink; embed ... Mage - Burst macro with Icy Veins and both trinkets - Macros -...
Binding this macro to a button on your mouse will allow for easy one handed casting and reeling. -- Taurolyon ( talk) 15:53, October 14, 2009 (UTC)
I created this macro to automatically equip my "mounted speed" items and then to call my mount: /script PickupContainerItem(4, 16);. Useful macros for warlocks | WoWWiki | Fandom powered by Wikia Formatting Macros Note: Commands for some of the older macros have been modified significantly. Where possible, please validate and mark with last working patch or version number. When editing a macro on the Wiki please: name it, describe … Useful macros | WoWWiki | Fandom powered by Wikia
Three-minute mage - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of…
Frost Mage Burn macro. 4. vote up. gplus facebook tweet html widget. Macro for Wow: Frost Mage Burn for Mages. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria It’s your trinket slot #1. /use 14 is the bottom one. Good to add if you have two “use” trinkets. Reply. ourlaststand says: January 17, 2014 at 5:08 pm A Trinket macro - WoWInterface Nov 17, 2007 · Can you make a macro to cast a trinket with a spell? If the trinket is on cooldown then just skip that line and cast the spell ( CoA in this case) ie. /cast [trinket] (if its off cooldown) /cast Curse of Agony That way i can ensure that trinket will never get any downtime if its being used with a frequently used spell. Thanks for anything Mage - Burst macro with Icy Veins and both trinkets
Item slot Use Macro: Uses the Item slot, can be used for Trinkets, Rings or Engineering Enchants. #showtooltip 6 /use 6 Item slots: 1 - Head Slot 6 - Belt Slot 11 - Ring Slot 1 12 - Ring Slot 2 13 - Trinket Slot 1 14 - Trinket Slot 2 15 - Back Slot . Tricks of the Trade Macro: Wow First Trinket Slot Number - The numbers 1 to 120 (all ...